About Richard Siegel
Born Richard A. Siegel after World War II Mr. Siegel was brought to the world of music and fine arts by a mother who was brought up in the center of such, Vienna Austria. Starting at 4 years old with piano concerts Richard soon moved on to the guitar in the 50’s after an encounter at a hotel in Cicero Illinois with Elvis Presley. While Mr. Siegel’s musical background and carrer deserve more at this time we are going to leave that to later to flesh out here.
Richard Siegel started study at the Art Institute of Chicago at the ripe age of 12 years old and progressed through many classes. By the time he reached his teens he was already winning awards at local art fairs and selling his sketches, drawings and paintings. It was then that his father built a dark room to start developing pictures. Armed with a Rollaflex Richard and his father started to take pictures.
After years of publishing under pseudo names for a variety of publications and web sites Richard joined the Willoughby Sharpe group and had his first major show in New York City in 1998 at the world famous venue “The Spiral Lounge”. His works have been in shows with contemporaries like William Beckley, Liza Bear, William Coupon, Mac Adams, Niel Frankel, Charlemagne Palestine, Duff Shweninger, Alan Scarritt, Nick Zedd and Susanne Wimmer.
Mr. Siegel has worked with major avant garde artists like Charles Henri Ford, Larry Rivers, Valery Oisteanu, Brian Gormley, Roberto Azank, Chris Piazza, Roy Lerner, and Michael Krynski. His writings and works have been read by millions of music review readers as his poetry readings in New York City were the hit of the new wave. Working with Lee Klein, Lydia Alexis, Michael Carter, Charles Donelan, John Faris, Lola Rodriguez, Tom Savage, Susan Scutti, El Warner, Carl Watson and even composing the occasional Haikus with Charles Henri Ford.