Siegel Ceramic Arts

Richard Siegel has spent the last decade working in ceramics of all kinds. Taking all the years of art training and visualization into one of the oldest mediums, clay.
Richard Siegel Hand Painted Tiles
In additions Siegel HAND PAINTED TILEs Rick will take you to new heights of art with his custom painted tiles. You can order special tiles or select from those on display here or our store.
Richard Siegel Ceramic Sculptures
Siegel original CERAMIC SCULPTURES and works find Siegel working with a variety of different clay’s as well as enamels, engobes, metals and colors to bring his own vision to the art which rises from the raw clay itself or the tiles he paints. You can buy many of Richard Siegel’s sculptures in our store.
Each time I open a bar of clay my hands take a journey. It is almost as if they were doing it on their own with some guidance to the rational world by my mind. Out of it all comes some interesting pieces. Some I think are great, some are great experiments and some went wrong. I guess we are all Dr. Frankenstein at time?
Early years
With over 50 years in the various forms of art Richard Siegel has much to offer the world. Starting at the famous Art Institute of Chicago when he was only 12 years old he had an early start bringing various works to fruition.
His early works disappeared when his parents got divorced and of those works in the 1960’s only one is known to remain and is in the artists hands. Bought by Jeanette Stadler in 1966 at an art show in Chicago she left it to him when she passed away and he treasures the only early work left. Hanging proudly in his home.
Quality Art from Rick Siegel
Siegel arts demand that each work and each hand painted Siegel tile or sculpture is original from the artistic hands of Rick Siegel.
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Hope you enjoy the works.