Siegel Ceramic Sculpture

Siegel ceramic sculptures
A standard in the world of art.
Siegel has been studying the art of clay for over a decade working with artists and techniques from the ceramic centers in Spain. Living for years in Valencia, Spain and working with clays from Manises and other regions for his works he has learned many techniques. With ceramic sculpting Siegel is using his hands to guide the clay, or letting the clay, form from his hands to rise as a work of art.
Each time I open that package of clay my hands work a magic happens on its own. There is no telling what comes out at the beginning. The soft, wet clay hardly will hold shape. After making sure there are no air bubbles an image slowly appears. Ugly at first, and maybe to some, ugly at the end.
So many different types of creations come out of this process. Working with mixed medias like glass, glazing, clay’s with stones in them and basic red clay you never know just what comes out.
Featured Collector Art Available for Sale
You can buy most of the works featured here at our store. Each work of art is an individual piece. Hand crafted and a one of a kind artist piece made for collecting and featuring in your home, museum, or office. The themes used in each work are quite apparent and as you peruse the works you will see the obvious influences in the artists life.
Richard Siegel Artistic Influence
With a flare to bring a more avant-garde touch to even surrealism in most of his works one can note the influence of Salvador Dali and other great artists. Siegel’s early influence from the artists in Chicago’s Art Institute as well as his Bohemian family make for some very interesting works.
Nevertheless the outcome here is an abundance of ceramic sculptures by Richard Siegel.
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