Siegel Travel Photography

Richard Siegel has traveled to over 100 nations with 3 trips around the world and many other years living abroad and from this we get Siegel Travel Photography.

The Siegel photographs vary in quality as the cameras used gained usability. From 1970 to the present Siegel has traveled and photographed places that no longer exist and people whose lives have been altered forever. There are so many places like Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan, China, and even India that have changed so much they are no longer close to the amazing photos from Richard Siegel.
As the photos post here you are reminded that use of all works on this site are copyright and you must contact us to get a license to use them. Quality images are available as all photos here have been reduced to work well on the Internet.
Here is a segment of photos recently saved from aging negatives that were in Siegel’s archives.
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